
Since its founding in 1949, Thames & Hudson has established a reputation as one of the world’s foremost publishers of books on the visual arts. Over this period we have worked with the most eminent artists, art historians, scholars, authors, photographers, illustrators and editors. We have published over 7,000 titles and been the recipient of multiple awards.

We could not have achieved any of this without the dedicated, skilled and committed people who have worked and continue to work for us. We are extremely proud of the team we have assembled both here in London and at our offices throughout the world.

In order to achieve our goals, it is essential that we share a common philosophy in the way we approach and perform our individual and collective duties and responsibilities.

Each of us has an important part to play and we are reliant upon one another making a full contribution towards generating a harmonious and efficient working environment. We strive to provide everyone who works for us with job satisfaction, rewards for success and the opportunity to develop and grow.

Our company policies and procedures set out key aspects of working at T&H. They illustrate our commitment to being an equal opportunities employer and our intention to treat everyone who works for us fairly and consistently. They are in accord with current employment law and we strive for best practice in the way we manage our staff.

It is important that you take time to familiarize yourself with all our policies and procedures and refer to them often, as they contain important information that you need to be aware of and comply with while working for us. Some of our policies and procedures relate solely to our employees (full or part time, fixed-term or permanent and whether you work at our office or remotely), from recruitment through to termination of your contract of employment. Others relate to everyone who works for us (including freelancers, consultants, agency workers, interns and work-experience students).

If you are an employee, the policies and procedures set out here do not form part of your contract of employment with us (which is provided to you separately), but you are still under an obligation to comply with them.

From time to time these policies and procedures may be amended and updated to reflect the needs of T&H and any developments in employment law and practice. We will let you know about any material changes.

If you have any questions or comments, we encourage you to discuss them with our Head of HR.

Last updated: 07/03/19
