Substance Misuse Policy

We are committed to providing a safe, healthy, productive and secure working environment. We recognize that substance misuse is an illness. Our policy is designed to help our employees combat such use or dependency. This can only be done if you first acknowledge the problem and indicate a desire to receive help. The first step should be a conversation with your Line Manager or HR. If you refuse any assistance offered by us, which may include a reference to a medical adviser or a dependence specialist, or if your problem impinges on your ability to do your job, we may be required to deal with any conduct or performance issues under our Disciplinary Procedure or Performance Procedure.

For the purposes of this policy, ‘substance misuse’ is defined as the problematic use of alcohol, drugs (prescribed and illegal as well as over-the-counter medication) or other substances, such as butane gas, glue, thinner or petrol (‘volatile substances’). This encompasses use that may be inappropriate, habitual or excessive.

Alcohol and drugs can lead to reduced levels of attendance, poor performance, impaired judgment and decision-making, and increased health and safety risks for you and your colleagues. Irresponsible behaviour or the commission of offences resulting from the use of alcohol or drugs may damage our reputation and, as a result, our business. You are expected to arrive at the office fit for work and able to perform your duties safely without any limitations due to the use or after effects of alcohol, drugs or other substances.

You will not therefore, during working hours or while on company business (and whether or not on company premises):

  • Drink or use, sell, purchase, possess or supply alcohol, illegal drugs or volatile substances except for alcohol consumed as part of departmental or company events. While we recognize that the consumption of alcohol is considered appropriate when entertaining authors, publisher clients or at company gatherings, you are asked to be mindful that you are representing the company and to be moderate and responsible in your alcohol consumption on these occasions; and/or
  • Drive company vehicles or private vehicles on company business while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances.

Conviction for a drink-driving, drug-driving, possession or dealing offence may harm our reputation and, if your job requires you to drive, you may be unable to continue to do your job. Conviction of a drink-driving, drug-driving or possession or dealing offence while working for us or even outside working hours will lead to action under our Disciplinary Procedure.

If you are prescribed medication you must seek advice from your GP or pharmacist about the possible effects on your ability to carry out your job and whether your duties should be modified or you should be temporarily reassigned to a different role. If so, you must discuss this with your Line Manager and/or our HR Department without delay.

Any breach of this policy may be dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure and, in serious cases, may be considered gross misconduct, resulting in summary dismissal. We reserve the right to inform the police of any suspicions we may have regarding the use of controlled drugs or volatile substances.

We also reserve the right to suspend you if we consider you are unfit to be at work as a result of the consumption of alcohol and/or the use of drugs or other substances. We will then consider whether to deal with the matter under the terms of our Disciplinary Procedure and/or to request that you undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

Identifying a problem

If you believe that you have an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem you should seek specialist advice and support as soon as possible and discuss your problem with your Line Manager and/or our Head of HR.

If you notice a change in a colleague’s pattern of behaviour that you believe may be as a result of the consumption of alcohol, drugs or substance abuse, you should encourage them to seek assistance through their Line Manager or the HR Department. If they will not seek help themselves you should draw the matter to the attention of your Line Manager. You should not attempt to cover up for a colleague whose work or behaviour is suffering as a result of an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem.

Referral to a medical adviser

If we have cause to believe you have an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem, or you have raised concerns with us, we may request you be referred to a medical adviser appointed by us for examination. You may be requested to provide blood, urine or saliva samples for testing. Refusal to provide samples without good reason may be regarded as a disciplinary offence. The purpose of a medical examination is to help identify whether you have an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem.

You may be then be referred by us to a dependence specialist and/or counsellor if:

  • A medical examination shows an alcohol, drug-related or substance abuse problem;
  • You request a referral having sought advice from us on your concerns that you may have an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem;
  • As part of a disciplinary investigation, we believe that you have an alcohol, drug-related or substance abuse problem, for example because of deteriorating work performance or misconduct; and/or
  • You are convicted for a drink-driving, drug-driving, possession or dealing offence.

You may also seek assistance through recognized NHS outpatient facilities, rehabilitation centres, private medical centres or voluntary organization centres. Any treatment undertaken by you must be made known to and approved by our medical advisers. You should agree times for attending treatment with us in advance. At our discretion, you may be allowed to take paid leave to attend medical treatment.

Disciplinary and performance issues

If you agree to undertake appropriate treatment and/or rehabilitation for an acknowledged alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem, we may decide to suspend any ongoing disciplinary action for related misconduct or poor performance, pending the outcome of the treatment. Our intention is to support all staff with alcohol, drug-related or substance abuse problems to regain good health. Depending on the progress made on the course of treatment, any disciplinary action may be suspended for a specified period, discontinued or restarted at any time as we may decide.

Failure to cooperate

If we have reasonable grounds to believe you have an alcohol, drug-related or substance-abuse problem and, in discussions with us, you fail to acknowledge such problem or refuse examination or treatment and/or rehabilitation, this may result in disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Procedure, which could lead to dismissal summary or otherwise.

If, in the opinion of our medical advisers, you do not follow the treatment prescribed or you are failing through your own actions to make satisfactory progress in treatment, you may also be subject to disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Procedure, which could lead to dismissal.

We reserve the right to conduct searches for alcohol, drugs or volatile substances on our premises, including, but not limited to, searches of desks, filing cabinets, bags, clothing and packages. Any alcohol, drugs or volatile substances found as a result of a search will be confiscated and action taken under our Disciplinary Procedure.

If you have a question about any aspect of our Substance-Misuse Policy please contact our Head of HR.

Last updated: 07/03/19