Antenatal & Adoption Appointments

This applies to all employees whether full- or part-time. It does not apply to freelancers, consultants and other self-employed contractors.

Time off if you are pregnant

If you are pregnant, you may take reasonable paid time off during working hours for antenatal appointments. You should try to give us as much notice as possible of your appointments. Unless it is your first appointment, we may ask to see a certificate confirming your pregnancy and an appointment card.

Time off for accompanying a pregnant woman

You may take unpaid time off to accompany a pregnant woman to an antenatal appointment if you have a ‘qualifying relationship’ with the woman or the child. This means that either:

  1. You are the baby’s father;
  2. You are the pregnant woman’s spouse or cohabiting partner;
  3. You are one of the intended parents in a surrogacy arrangement and expect to obtain a parental order in respect of the child.

Please give us as much notice of the appointments as possible. You must provide us with a signed statement setting out the date and time of the appointment and confirming:

  1. That you meet one of the eligibility criteria above;
  2. That the purpose of the time off is to accompany the pregnant woman to an antenatal appointment; and
  3. That the appointment has been made on the advice of a registered medical practitioner, registered midwife or registered nurse.

You may take time off to accompany a pregnant woman to up to two antenatal appointments in relation to each pregnancy. You must not take more than six and a half hours off for each appointment, including travel and waiting time, without the prior agreement of your Line Manager and HR. Time off to attend these appointments is unpaid in relation to each pregnancy.


There is a similar right to take time off to attend adoption appointments. Please ask HR about this.

Last updated: 07/03/19