Time off for Dependants Policy

The law recognizes that there may be occasions when you need to take time off work to deal with unexpected events involving one of your dependants. Our Time Off For Dependants Policy allows our employees to take a reasonable amount of unpaid time off work to deal with certain situations affecting their dependants. No one who takes time off in accordance with this policy will be subjected to any detrimental treatment.

Reasonable unpaid time off

You have a right to take a reasonable amount of unpaid time off work when it is necessary to:

  1. Provide assistance when a dependant falls ill, gives birth, is injured or assaulted;
  2. Make longer-term care arrangements for a dependant who is ill or injured;
  3. Take action required in consequence of the death of a dependant
  4. Deal with the unexpected disruption, termination or breakdown of arrangements for the care of a dependant (such as a child-minder falling ill); and or
  5. Deal with an unexpected incident involving your child while a school or another educational establishment is responsible for them.

Definition of dependant

A dependant for the purposes of this policy is:

  1. Your spouse, civil partner, parent or child;
  2. A person who lives in the same household as you, but who is not your tenant, lodger, boarder or employee; or
  3. Anyone else who reasonably relies on you to provide assistance or make arrangements.

This policy applies to taking time off to take action that is necessary because of an immediate or unexpected crisis. This policy does not apply where you need to take planned time off or provide longer-term care for a dependant. If this is the case, you should take advice from your Line Manager or HR.

Whether action is considered necessary will depend on the circumstances, including the nature of the problem, the closeness of the relationship between you and the dependant, and whether anyone else is available to assist. Action is unlikely to be considered necessary if you knew of a problem in advance, but did not try to make alternative care arrangements.

Reasonable time off in relation to a particular problem will not normally be more than one or two days. However, we will always consider each set of circumstances on their facts.

Exercising the right to time off

You will only be entitled to time off under this policy if, as soon as is reasonably practicable, you tell your Line Manager (cc HR):

  1. The reason for your absence; and
  2. How long you expect to be away from work.

Time off under this policy will not count as part of your annual holiday entitlement nor affect the continuity of your employment.

If you fail to notify us as required, you may be subject to disciplinary proceedings under our Disciplinary Procedure for taking unauthorized time off.

We may in some cases ask you to provide evidence for your reasons for taking the time off, either in advance or on your return to work. Suspected abuse of this policy may be dealt with as a disciplinary issue under our Disciplinary Procedure.

Last updated: 11/03/19