Fire Evacuation Procedure

Discovering a fire or other emergency

If you see signs of fire or other emergencies which could place employees in danger, sound the alarm immediately and ring Reception (dial ‘5000’). It is the Receptionist or security’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate emergency services are summoned.

**Never put yourself at risk even with the smallest fire.**
**Never attempt to move burning objects.**

Fire Alarm Escape Procedure and Plans

If the building is to be evacuated, follow the evacuation guidance given in this document and, where appropriate, guidance/instruction by the responsible Fire Officer (/Marshal) allocated to your floor.

  • In the event of an evacuation, only those personal belongings immediately to hand are to be taken and by their owners only;
  • DO NOT USE THE LIFTS. In most cases, evacuations will be down the stairs, but in some circumstances, you may be directed to leave the building by climbing the stairs. Please follow any and all instructions;
  • The primary escape route which links all three floors is via the main staircase (at the east end of the building by the lifts) to the front doors;
  • On leaving the building and emerging onto High Holborn, please turn right and turn immediately right down Smart’s Place. Wait on the pavement or as otherwise instructed by a Fire Officer (/Marshal) or the Fire Brigade. *
  • On arrival at the assembly point, please report to your Fire Officer (/Marshal), and ensure that your name has been checked off against the staff list.
  • A secondary escape route (staircase) runs down the west side of the building to exit in Drury Lane and can be reached directly from the first and second floors (next to the rolling storage areas) and from the roof terrace on the third floor via the exit next to the Conference Room and crossing the roof;
  • There are also escape routes into the adjoining premises through the back of the kitchen areas, which should only be used if the main exits are blocked. These doors are alarmed;
  • On the third floor, there is an additional escape route which is accessed through a door, opposite the lift entrance and to the left of the exit to the main staircase. This fire exit leads to stairs which go up to the main roof. The escape route is across the main roof to the left of the Plant Room and down the stairs at the west end (Drury Lane) of the building. This route continues across the roof to re-join the staircase to Drury Lane;
  • Return to the building will only be allowed when the all-clear is given by the Emergency Services and/or Fire Officer (/Marshal).

If you are cut off by a Fire

  • Close the door and use clothing etc. to block any gaps;
  • Go to the window to attract attention;
  • If the room becomes smoky, stay low – it is easier to breathe;
  • If it is possible, open a window and lower yourself to an outside surface.

Fire Precautions

  • Fire alarm points and fire extinguishers are located throughout the building and are clearly signed.  All staff should make sure that they are aware of the location of fire alarm points and fire extinguishers throughout the building;
  • Staff should also make sure they are familiar with the location of the fire exits and escape routes from the building;
  • Staff are responsible for their visitors and must ensure that a visitor signs the Visitor Book in Reception on arrival (and importantly signs out) and must supervise their exit from the building in an emergency;
  • Fire exits, routes and access to fire-fighting equipment must be kept clear from any obstructions at all times; fire doors should not be wedged open. Do not place boxes or other potential obstructions in front of or close to any fire equipment or emergency call point;
  • All working areas should be kept clear as far as possible particularly those areas which are not easily accessible, i.e. under desks and behind radiators;
  • All electrical heaters, in particular fan heaters, and fans should be turned off each night;
  • On joining, new staff will be told who their Fire Officers are. All staff should make sure that they know, and can recognise, who their Fire Officers (/Marshals) are. An up-to-date list of Fire Officers is located on the Notice board on the 2nd floor and on the P&P website;
  • The Fire Officers will ensure that the premises are evacuated and will take a roll call of their fire group.

Wheelchair User Evacuation

For staff and visitors who require wheelchair evacuation an Evac Chair is kept in the second floor disabled toilet, which is a specially designed evacuation chair for use on stairs.

Currently three members of staff are trained to carry out an evacuation using an Evac chair (Neil Palfreyman, Paul Hammond and Lucas Dietrich), and a list of trained staff is shown on the current Fire Officer list posted on the P&P website.

Fire Extinguishers

There are two types of fire extinguisher on site, normally located close to each other:

  • CO2 extinguisher for all live electrical and flammable liquid fires;
  • Water extinguisher (red overall) for general use e.g. wood, paper and fabric. Do not use on electrical fires e.g. your computer;
  • You should only use a fire extinguisher if you have been trained on how to tackle a fire and feel that it is safe to do so. Under no circumstances put yourself in any danger.

Last updated: 17/07/19