Terrorist Evacuation Procedure

****Stay Safe: RUN, HIDE, TELL (call police 999 or the anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321)

Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life, then;


  • Escape if you can;
  • Consider the safest options;
  • Is there a safe route? RUN if not HIDE;
  • Can you get there without exposing yourself to greater danger;
  • Insist others leave with you;
  • Leave belongings behind;
  • Do not congregate at evacuation points.


  • If you can’t RUN, HIDE;
  • Find cover from gunfire (see examples of good cover below);
  • If you can see the attacker, they may be able to see you;
  • Cover from view does not mean you are safe, bullets go through glass, brick, wood, and metal;
  • Find cover from gunfire e.g. substantial brickwork / heavy reinforced walls;
  • Be aware of your exits;
  • Try not to get trapped;
  • Be quiet, silence your phone;
  • Lock / barricade yourself in;
  • Move away from the door and windows.


  • Call 999 – What do the police need to know;
  • Location – Where are the suspects;
  • Direction – Where did you last see the suspects;
  • Descriptions – Describe the attacker, numbers, features, clothing, weapons etc;
  • Further information – Casualties, type of injury, building information, entrances, exits, hostages etc;
  • Stop other people entering the building, if it is safe to do so.


  • Follow officers instructions;
  • Remain calm;
  • Can you move to a safer area;
  • Avoid sudden movements that may be considered a threat;
  • Keep your hands in view.


  • Point guns at you;
  • Treat you firmly;
  • Question you;
  • Be unable to distinguish you from the attacker;
  • Officers will evacuate you when it is safe to do so.


Note: the differences, cover from gunfire and cover from view are completely different

Substantial brickwork or concrete Internal partition walls  
Solid steel columns, rooms without windows Wooden doors  
Move floors Desks  
Move to shelter area Curtains  

Escape and Meeting Point

  • If you can, move through the building quickly and quietly;
  • Head for the fire escapes leading to the old School of English (known as the Stukeley Street Annex) through the kitchen areas and the double doors at the rear of the kitchens on each floor;
  • Follow the fire exit signs through the old School of English building; that will bring you out into Stukeley Street. Turn left and follow the road all the way round until it comes into Macklin Street. Turn left and walk down Macklin Street until you come to Dragon Court which is outside Reed Employment (on your left); this will be our assembly point;
  • Alternatively, and if directed, leave from the Drury Lane stairs and fire exit (which runs down the west side of the building). At the exit point, go to your left and take the next left into Stukeley Street. Follow the road all the way round until it comes into Macklin Street. Walk down and on to Dragon Court;
  • A map of the new assembly point in relation to our offices is attached.

Telephone Threats

  • If you receive a threatening phone call, obtain as much detailed information as possible from the source;
  • Immediately notify the Head of Operations, the Facilities Manager or the Office Manager, who will contact the Police with details of the threat received;
  • If a threat has been received through the mail, handle the letter as little as possible.  Place the letter inside a plastic bag with the envelope and contact the Head of Operations or the Facilities Manager.

Suspicious Packages

On discovery of a suspicious package, e.g. box, bag, parcel or similar, which is unattended or out of place:

  • Do not touch or attempt to open the package, leave it in its original position;
  • Report your suspicions to Reception (dial ‘5000’ or 020 7845 5000), the Head of Operations, Facilities Manager and your Head of Department;
  • Cordon off the immediate area to keep people away.

Evacuate or Search?

  • Following any threats, the discovery of any suspicious packages, or an external incident, the decision to evacuate (or search) will be made by the Head of Operations, the Facilities Manager or the Officer Manager, based upon Police advice, the type of threat/incident and the information received;
  • Should a call come direct from an outside party, such as the police or the press and, if a specific time is stated for a bomb to detonate, the evacuation procedure should be engaged;
  • Any search of the building will be made by the Head of Operations, the Facilities Manager or the Officer Manager. Remain calm and behave in a business like manner while conducting any investigations.  These should only be initiated following police advice and if there is deemed to be no danger to your safety.

Threats during weekends and/or out of hours

Follow all the above procedures and in addition:

  • Always ensure that you and any visitors with you have signed in on arrival and confirm which floor you will be working on.  It is also important to sign out when leaving;
  • In the event of an emergency, and once you have evacuated the building, report to the security guard at the assembly point, who will take a roll call from the weekend visitors signing in book;
  • When safe to do so contact the Facilities Manager (Frank Whittick-07969 016 556) and/or the Head of Operations (Paul Lamoureaux- 07798 683 028);
  • Please make sure that you have read ‘Procedural Guidelines for Lone Working Outside Normal Office Hours including Weekend Working’, available in the H&S and Procedures section of the Intranet.

For more information please see: the UKgov website

Last updated: 17/07/19.