Guidelines For Lone Work Outside of Normal Office Hours

This document is a guide to good practice when working on your own when reception is closed, during the week and at weekends. Reception is operational from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.


A security guard is on duty 6.00pm to 7.00am, Monday to Thursday, and continuously from 6pm on Friday until 7.00am on Monday. A security guard is also on duty continuously throughout all Bank Holidays. The guard sets the burglar alarm system once the building is clear, and the alarm is ‘live’ until the first employee arrives on site.

The security guard patrols the building regularly. Access to the building out of hours must be by prior arrangement where possible or by/with a key holder.

Accessing the office out of hours

It is important that you follow these procedures and where possible give advance notice of your intended visit:

  • Inform the Facilities Manager by email or phone (ext. 5137) that you intend to visit the office out of hours on a particular day and provide an approximate time of arrival so that the security guard can be alerted to your visit. In the Facility Manager’s absence, please inform the Office Manager (ext. 5014). Your name will be added to the weekend/weekday evening visitor list;
  • Prior to your visit, please ring the security guard (020 7845 5139) in order to confirm the approximate time that you will be arriving. If you arrive unannounced, the security guard may not be immediately available. On arrival, the security guard will check your name against the visitor list. If you are not on the list you will be asked to identify yourself by providing your name, extension number, and the floor that you will be visiting. You may also be asked a security question, such as the name of the CEO or Chairman;
  • You must sign in to the visitor book (including anyone who may be accompanying you), as soon as you enter the building. Please also ensure that you sign out when you leave. This is very important since otherwise, the security guard may set the alarm not realising that you are still in the building. It is also important to log everyone entering and leaving the building in case of fire or other emergencies. The visitor signing-in book will be on the reception desk;
  • If you intend to enter the building with a key holder – the keyholder must log your presence into the visitor book (and log you out);
  • Under no circumstances may you borrow another member of staff’s key. Only authorised key holders who have been trained on the use of the burglar alarm, which may be active at any time out of hours, may use the key allocated to them. Incorrect activation of the alarm system puts at risk our police response, which is a critical part of our insurance cover.

Advice on lone working

  • Do not use the lifts when reception is closed even when monitored by the security guard. If there is a power cut or other malfunction, it might take a long time to fix the problem and release you, should you become trapped inside. If you use the lifts against this advice, you do so entirely at your own risk;
  • Do not undertake any work that might put you at risk of injury (moving/lifting heavy or unstable loads). See “Procedural Guidelines for Manual Handling – General Staff”;
  • Do not use stepladders unless accompanied as noted in “Procedural Guidelines for Working at Height”.

The procedural guidelines included in this document are also valid during Christmas, New Year and other holiday periods, but are subject to amendments as required to be specifically confirmed in advance by email.

Last updated: 17/07/19