Health & Safety

Thames & Hudson places great importance on health and safety in the workplace and, as far as it is reasonably practical, aims to provide a safe and healthy environment for all its employees, contractors, visitors and the general public. The Company provides working conditions that comply with relevant statutory requirements and officially approved codes of practice on Health and Safety issues.

Particular attention is paid to:

  • providing information to enable all employees to contribute positively to their own health and safety at work;
  • providing safe electrical equipment;
  • providing training in fire prevention precautions, emergency evacuation and related procedures;
  • providing assessment and training for the safe use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE);
  • providing safe arrangements for the storage, handling and movement of materials;
  • providing safe means of access to, egress from and passage through the work place.

Specific Health and Safety documentation is provided by the Company to give more detailed guidance in areas such as Manual Handling and DSE use. 

Although the Company operates in a low-risk industry injuries can happen in any environment and it is the Company’s aim to ensure that any potential Health and Safety incidences are kept to the minimum.  To this end, the Company actively seeks the cooperation of all staff to help create and maintain a safe workplace and encourages all employees to comply with their obligation to act in a safe manner having due regard not only for their own safety, but the safety of others.  The Company also actively encourages staff to report any concerns that they may have regarding any Health and Safety matters.

Leon Romero-Montalvo

Chief Financial Officer

Last updated 15/07/19