Safe Use of Scalpels, Utility Knives and Other Bladed Equipment

Scalpels, knives and blade equipment, in general, can be very dangerous if not correctly handled and used as the manufacturer intended.

Where possible, try to eliminate or reduce the use of hand knives from all or part of the task by:

  • redesigning the tooling or process to eliminate or reduce the amount of trimming required;
  • improving mould maintenance to reduce or eliminate flash;
  • using a safer cutting tool (deburring tool/scissors).

 The following guidelines, if adhered to, should reduce the risk of accidental injury and therefore must be followed at all times when using any equipment which includes a blade:

  • Always cut away from your body;
  • Pay full attention to what you are doing – do not get distracted;
  • Use a safety rule to protect your fingers;
  • Use a safety mat to protect the surface you are cutting on;
  • Once finished with the scalpel/knife, attach a cap or retract the blade and apply the safety catch;
  • Do not leave scalpels and utility knives lying around desks or work benches – have a specific and safe place where they are stored when they are not in use;
  • Do not leave scalpels or knives, blade up, in any container, e.g. a pen pot;
  • When replacing scalpels blades, be particularly careful. The blades are difficult to replace and are prone to breaking and blade fragments can travel a relatively long distance very fast. If a blade breaks up please ensure that all the pieces are picked up;
  • If using the guillotine in the Production Department, ensure that your fingers are kept clear of the blade and behind the safety bar.

**Young persons (those under 18 years) are strictly prohibited from using scalpels and any knives.**

Last updated: 17/07/19