Guidelines for Working at a Height

Working at height should be avoided wherever possible. If access to shelving at a height is needed, please request the stepladders from the Facilities Manager.

Before making use of a stepladder, you should check the following:

 Is the stepladder in good working order and in a safe condition, it should include the following:

  • Feet are firmly attached;
  • Treads are clean and dry;
  • Secure locking devices can be engaged;
  • That secure fastenings are engaged when it is extended.

Ensure that the stepladder is in a good position by checking:

  • Is the stepladder fully open;
  • Are legs locked into place;
  • Is the bottom of the ladder stable and secure;
  • Is the stepladder on a surface that is:
    • firm;
    • level;
    • clear of any obstacles;
    • dry;
    • not slippery.

When using a stepladder:

  • Always have a colleague hold the stepladder in position;
  • Only work on a stepladder for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time;
  • Only carry light materials;
  • Do not overreach – make sure your belt buckle (navel) stays within the stiles;
  • Keep both feet on the same rung or step throughout the task;
  • Make sure you have a safe handhold available on the steps;
  • Avoid side-on working;
  • Work at a safe perimeter from other staff, in case of falling objects.


If you feel that the equipment is faulty, you are unsure how to lock the stepladder into position, or you feel that the task is possibly unsafe or you are uncomfortable about performing the task in any way, you should not undertake the task.  Instead, please contact the Facilities Manager (5137) or the Office Manager (5014).

Please be aware the most common causes of accidents when working at height is from roof lights, cupboard doors and overhangs so please be mindful about the space you are working in.

Do not under any circumstances:

  • Use desks, chairs, boxes or any other objects when needing to work at height;
  • Stand on shelving;
  • Work at a height out of normal office hours or over the weekends if you are alone.

Last updated: 17/07/19