Safe & Tidy Environment Policy

The following list of requirements is intended to meet our legal responsibilities to our staff and visitors, and those of our insurance cover, to maintain a safe and tidy environment whilst also presenting a professional image to anyone visiting our office.

These requirements apply to all members of staff at all times. 

Work Area:

  • Keep all floor space clear of files, papers, books, boxes etc, and ensure that there are no trip hazards or potential fire risks;
  • Ensure there are no trailing wires or electrical equipment, such as heaters, placed in a way that may cause a trip or fire hazard; 
  • Any heaters or fans used during the day must be turned off before you leave the office;
  • Do not overload plug sockets;
  • Try and ensure that your desk (and surrounding floor space) is clear at the end of each working day to allow cleaners access to all areas of your workspace;
  • Routinely clear out old layouts, catalogues and other materials which have no future use;
  • Return any books which are no longer required to LBS, preferably in mint condition for resale. Damaged books can still be returned, to be sold on at a reduced price. Our returns procedure can be found on the intranet;
  • Books selected from book grabs must be removed from the building on the same day;
  • Ensure that any personal deliveries made to the office are clearly named and addressed, and are removed on the same day as delivered; 
  • The Post and Packing department should be notified in advance of any valuable or large deliveries. If a parcel contains anything of value or if it is fragile, the individual to whom the delivery is addressed will be expected to check the contents and personally sign to confirm safe delivery. Signing for valuable material should not be expected to be undertaken by Post-room staff.

Common Areas:

  • Help keep common areas clean and tidy;
  • Help keep corridors and walkways completely clear at all times;
  • Libraries should be regularly tidied and maintained, and the correct signing-out procedures followed. Books borrowed from a library should be returned immediately when no longer required;
  • Maintain a clean and safe environment in and around the photocopies and printers – in particular, the safe disposal of plastic strapping and empty cardboard boxes;
  • Leave the toilets (and shower) as you would expect to find them in a clean and tidy condition.  To prevent blockages use the bins provided;
  • Smoking is permitted on the 3rd floor roof terrace.  If you use this area please ensure that the door to the 3rd floor is closed (so that smoke does not enter the building) and that all cigarette stubs are put into the container provided and not dropped onto the floor.

Conference and Meeting Rooms:

As Conference and Meeting Rooms tend to be booked back to back, please leave it in the condition you would hope to find it. This includes:

  • Ensure that all papers, books and any other materials and equipment are removed at the end of the meeting;
  • Any books taken from the shelves should be returned to the correct place at the end of each meeting;
  • Return any resources booked through IT, or notify the IT department that the resource is no longer required;
  • Clear away any refreshments supplied during the meeting. Cups and glasses should be returned to the kitchen, and any dirty crockery or cutlery loaded straight into the dishwasher;
  • Ensure that the surfaces are clean and dry and that the chairs have been replaced and straightened;
  • Close any open windows and turn off the lights;
  • Ensure the doors and windows of the 1st and 3rd floor conference rooms are closed to maintain air conditioning.


  • Keep kitchen areas clean and tidy, and where necessary dry splashes on surfaces and in particular around the sink area;
  • Do not leave cups, mugs, bowls, plates, cutlery etc. in the sink;
  • All food kept in the fridges must be in an appropriate container and should be removed each Friday. Any food remaining in the fridges on Friday will be disposed of by the cleaners;
  • The microwave is for use only between the hours of 12.00 noon and 2.00pm, and please be considerate by not choosing foods which are highly scented, such as curries and fish;
  • Ensure that any spillages in or around the microwave are cleaned after use;
  • Coffee grounds should be disposed of in the bin and not washed down the sink to avoid causing blockages;
  • Use grey recycling bins for glass, plastic and cardboard, including sandwich boxes that are both plastic and cardboard.

Last updated: 17/07/19