Strong Room Information

The purpose of this document is to provide a set of procedures when adding and removing valuable items to and from the T&H Strong Room. It is the responsibility of the member of staff in charge of the valuable material to ensure that items are accurately logged and described in accordance with the following procedures. Failure to maintain the procedures may prevent our insurers accepting a claim in the event of material being lost or damaged. All documents described can be found on the Intranet.

Adding items:

  • Download, read and sign the Guidance for Handling Valuable Original Materials;
  • Download and complete the Strong Room Entry Form including condition report;
  • Attach the completed form to the packaging of the item and send a copy to the Office Manager;
  • Confirm the shelf number/location of the item to the Office Manager once you have added it.

Borrowing/using an item:

  • Download, read and sign the Guidance for Handling Valuable Original Materials;
  • Forward completed form to Operations department;  
  • Contact key holder, arrange ann appointment and take the signed Guidance for Handling Valuable Original Materials to the keyholder;
  • Once item is collected, take signed valuable handling guidance and original Strong Room entry form to the Office Manager.


  • When returning the item to the Strong Room request access from key holder;
  •  Reattach the copy of the original Strong Room entry form to the item’s packaging, and confirm with operations that the item has been returned;
  • If the item is returned to a different shelf number to the one stated on the form, inform Office Manager. Never store items on the floor.

Sending an item to a T&H supplier:

  • Remove the copy of the original Strong Room entry form attached to the item and send a copy of the condition report to the supplier.

Returning items to the owner:

  • Remove the copy of the original Strong Room entry form attached to the item and send a copy of the condition report to the owner.

**As an added precaution, please complete the signing in and out book located in the strongroom**

Last updated: 15/07/19