Strong Room Keyholder Responsibilities

The contents of the Strong Room includes:

  • Original artwork and photography, some of which is of extremely high value;
  • Master back-up disks of titles;
  • Signed limited editions;
  • A number of Private and Confidential documents.

The responsibilities of the key holders includes:

  1. To ensure that the Strong Room key is kept safe and secure and under your control at all times;
  2. Under no circumstances should your key be lent to a non-authorised key holder (the current list of authorised key holders is posted on the P&P website and updated as required);
  3. If staff require access to the Strong Room they must be accompanied by the key holder at all times whether items are being added to the Strong Room, or being taken out, even if only temporarily;
  4. Staff should request to see a signed copy of the handling valuable guidelines document before providing access to the Strong Room;
  5. All movements in and out of the Strong Room must be logged in and out using the appropriate document The Strong Room Form and following the procedures laid out in the document Strong Room Procedures;
  6. This form should be used for all material with the exception of the addition or removal of archive disks, where such activity is registered in a separate log book which is kept in the Strong Room;
  7. It is absolutely critical that the value of all material being deposited in the Strong Room is clearly logged for insurance purposes. The Key holder should remind anyone depositing material of this requirement;
  8. Key holders also have a responsibility to ensure that any material placed in the Strong Room is located off the floor, is neatly positioned, clearly marked and the corresponding shelf number is logged;
  9. The key holder must also ensure that the Strong Room is secure on exit.

Last updated: 15/07/19