Company Property

It is expected that all employees treat company property carefully and with respect. You may be provided with various pieces of equipment to enable you to carry out your job, such as a PC/Mac, laptop, landline phone, mobile phone and/or iPad. Although these items are insured by T&H, we expect you to use them responsibly and be mindful of their security. Please see our Portable and Mobile Devices Policy in this respect. Should you lose or damage any item of company property this must be reported immediately to IT (cc HR).

On termination of your employment for whatever reason, or at any time on request, you must return all equipment and other property belonging to T&H. Failure to return any item will result in the reasonable replacement cost being deducted from your salary.

On termination of your employment you must also return any hard-print copies of any documents or correspondence you may have relating to T&H and/or our distributed publishers and, as far as is technically possible, you must delete any digital copies and email contact details from your personal computer, laptop, iPad or mobile phone.

Last updated: 07/03/19