
During your work at T&H confidential and commercially sensitive information will come to your knowledge relating to the Company and/or group companies. It is vital that both during and following termination of your employment such information is kept strictly confidential and not disclosed to anyone outside the Company, save to the extent disclosure is required for you to carry out your job.

Confidential information includes:

  • Publishing proposals, P&Ls and our pricing models;
  • Forthcoming titles in our publishing programme and those of our distributed publishers prior to such titles being announced to the trade;
  • The commercial terms we agree with our authors and other contributors to our titles;
  • The commercial terms we agree with co-publishers to whom we sell or buy-in titles, with our distributed publishers and museum partners;
  • The discount terms we agree with our customers;
  • The terms of our commercial contracts that contain confidentiality provisions;
  • Any information covered by confidentiality or NDAs (non-disclosure agreements);
  • Management accounts; and
  • Your salary and the salaries of your colleagues save for relevant pay disclosure pursuant to s.77 of The Equality Act 2010 and disclosure to your professional advisors.

This list is not exhaustive and if you are in any doubt whether information is confidential or not please discuss this with your Head of Department prior to disclosing it. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information could damage the company and will result in us invoking our Disciplinary Procedure, and in serious cases may result in summary dismissal for gross misconduct.

Last updated: 07/03/19