Employee Wellbeing

T&H is committed to ensuring the well-being of its employees.

We will seek to foster employee well-being by:

There may be times when your work is particularly demanding and busy. We encourage regular breaks during the working day. We will also take steps to cover the absences of employees without putting undue demands on colleagues.

Despite these measures, we are mindful that working life can be stressful and that sometimes this may have a detrimental effect on our physical, mental and emotional health. There may also be times that you, your partner or a close family member have serious health or other problems or you experience the death of a partner or close family member.

We would encourage you to discuss such difficulties with your Line Manager or, if you feel more comfortable doing so, with our Head of HR. Such discussions will be strictly confidential unless you give us permission to share what you disclose to other specific colleagues.

In cases concerning your own health that may require a period off work, please see our Sickness & Absence Management Policy. In cases concerning your partner or a close family member we will give sympathetic consideration for requests for paid or unpaid compassionate leave. Such leave will not count as part of your annual holiday entitlement and pension and other rights accruing from continuous employment will be maintained. Please see our Time Off for Dependants Policy.

Your attention is also drawn to our Substance-Misuse Policy.

Last updated: 11/03/19