Performance Appraisals

Your Line Manager will monitor your work performance throughout your employment. We see this as a mutual endeavour and although we operate a formal annual performance appraisal, we expect each Line Manager to meet regularly with members of their team and to hold regular catch-ups. In turn, we encourage you to raise any questions you may have about your role with your Line Manager, to ask for further training or help if you are finding something difficult and to speak to your Line Manager confidentially if you have a personal or health problem affecting your work. If you would prefer, please speak to our Head of HR about any of these matters.

Our appraisal process runs once a year, usually in the first quarter, and it is the responsibility of both our employees and our Line Managers to familiarize themselves with the current process and ensure the appraisal takes place within the given time frame for completion. We continue to refine the appraisal process and you will be provided with full details of the process each year, in advance.

So that the appraisal process may run smoothly, you are expected to complete and return your appraisal form to HR within the time limit set each year. Your Line Manager will be provided with a copy and will arrange a time for the appraisal.

The appraisal is an opportunity to have an open and candid discussion about all aspects of your role, to give mutual feedback, review performance and plan future development. It is aimed at helping you realize your potential and achieve your goals.

Should your performance fall below acceptable standards at any time, your Line Manager may talk to HR and organize a plan to improve your performance. Please see our Performance Procedure for full details of how this works.

Last updated: 07/03/19