Probationary Period

It is our practice that every employee who joins the company is subject to a probationary period, the details of which are set out in your Contract of Employment.

The purpose of the probationary period is to allow time for mutual assessment of your suitability for your role. During the probationary period, you will receive regular feedback from your Line Manager and/or Head of Department on your performance. Any concerns will be raised and areas for improvement agreed. Should there be no improvement in your performance within the agreed time frame, it may be necessary to extend the probationary period or terminate your employment.

During the probationary period, your employment may be terminated on a shorter period of notice as provided in your Contract of Employment.

We will confirm to you in writing when the probationary period is satisfactorily completed and this period will count as part of your continuity of employment with us. However, if either or both of us consider you are not suitable for the role, your employment may be terminated on the shorter notice provided.

Last updated: 07/03/19