Sabbaticals / Career breaks

We are proud that many of our employees choose to work for many years for T&H. Indeed, we have employees who have worked for us for most, if not all, of their working lives.

We recognize that it may contribute to the well-being of long-serving employees to take a break from work. Therefore, for employees with continuous service of more than five years, we will give sympathetic consideration to unpaid leave for travel or to pursue other interests, but not for alternative paid employment or other work.

Sabbaticals may be for up to three months, but may only be taken with the agreement of your Line Manager and Head of Department, and only if your role can be properly covered while you are away.

A request for a sabbatical must be made in writing to your Line Manager (cc HR). It should:

  • State that it is a Sabbatical Request;
  • Set out the proposed start and end dates;
  • Set out what you propose to do with the time;
  • Identify the impact your absence may have on the business and how that might be dealt with; and
  • State if you have made any previous such requests.

Our Head of HR will hold a meeting with you and your Line Manager to discuss your Sabbatical Request. We are entitled to take up to three months to consider your Sabbatical Request, but we will endeavour to do so more quickly. You should therefore ensure that you submit your request well in advance of the date you wish to start your sabbatical. We will arrange a meeting at a convenient time to discuss your request. Your Line Manger and our Head of HR will attend the meeting on behalf of the Company.

We reserve the right to refuse a Sabbatical Request, to ask you to take a break for a different length of time or at a different time if the needs of the business require it. In any event, we will respond to your request in writing as soon as possible after the meeting and with our reasons if we cannot agree to your Sabbatical Request. Our decision for refusing a Sabbatical Request is at our sole discretion and is final.

We may reject your Sabbatical Request for one or more of the following business reasons:

  • The burden of additional costs to the Company;
  • The Company’s inability to reorganize work amongst existing staff (including other members of your department);
  • The Company’s inability to recruit additional staff during your sabbatical;
  • The likely additional work during the period you propose not to work; and/or
  • Planned changes (including to your department or the business).

During a sabbatical you will be expected to keep in touch with what is happening in the company to facilitate a smooth return to work. You will not be expected to work during your sabbatical, but you will remain an employee and your continuity of employment will not be broken. Holiday will continue to accrue during your sabbatical, but you will be expected to take your holiday as part of your sabbatical.

If it comes to our attention that you use your sabbatical to pursue alternative paid employment or other work, this will be disciplinary matter and will be dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.

If you are granted a Sabbatical Request, you will not qualify to make a further request until you have completed a further five-year’s continuous service such period commencing after you return to work after your previous sabbatical. If you are refused a Sabbatical Request you may not make another request until you have completed a further 12 months’ continuous service such period commencing from the date of our refusal.

Last updated: 07/03/19