Salary & Payroll

Details of your salary and any other specific benefits are set out in your Contract of Employment. The following information relates to payroll:

  • You will be paid by bank transfer during the last week of each month, usually on the 28th day of the month. If the 28th falls on a weekend or a Bank Holiday, you will be paid on the last working day preceding that weekend or Bank Holiday. The date of payment prior to Christmas is notified to employees each year;
  • e Pay Slips can be found on Cintra iQ on payday
  • It is your responsibility to ensure we have up-to-date bank details for you at all times.

If you have any queries about payroll, please speak to our Head of HR.

Pay reviews and deductions

Your salary is subject to annual review as provided in your Contract of Employment. However, there is no automatic guarantee of an increase and consideration will be given, amongst other things, to the performance of the Company, economic conditions, market rate, your performance and any increase in your responsibilities. Salaries are confidential and should only be discussed with your Line Manager or HR. Salaries, whether yours or that of other employees, should not be disclosed to colleagues and such disclosure may result in disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Procedure. An exception to this is a relevant pay disclosure pursuant to s.77 of the Equality Act 2010.

We reserve the right to deduct from your salary any monies owed to T&H, including recouping any overpayment of salary, expenses, holiday pay, profit share or advances or loans made to you by the Company or staff book purchases.

Last updated: 07/03/19